Howard Corney VP2

Howard Corney is the owner of Court Gardens, a 12 acre vineyard located in Ditchling, East Sussex. Howard started his working life as an architect before he and his wife, who worked as a designer, decided to embark on a new career together as sheep farmers. Sixteen years ago they decided to move to their current location in Ditchling and have since planted a vineyard.

Court Garden Vineyard was planted back in 2005 and has been producing and selling English sparkling wine from the farm and local shops since November 2009. The site which is known to have existed as a farm since Saxon times is surrounded by grazing fields with residential Ditchling to the South Side.

Howard purchased a Davis Vantage Pro 2 from EnviroMonitors for use specifically on his vineyard. His main factors in buying a weather station were the need to know accurate rainfall measurements and when frost would be likely in his vineyard.

Howard chose to buy from EnviroMonitors as we are a local company and he is a believer in buying from local independent organisations. On a visit to our showroom he found the information from our sales team to be invaluable in helping understand and choose the right weather station for his specifications and location.

Having a weather station located within the vineyard has proved to be an essential tool. The Davis Vantage Pro 2 enables Howard to view and record the weather conditions on his land as opposed to a weather station located miles away, which may give a false idea of his sites micro-climate.

Checking the station on a daily basis for forecasts and temperature readings enables Howard to plan ahead to put in place the correct procedures for protecting his vines from frost damage. The Davis Vantage Pro 2’s accurate rainfall and wind readings have proved to be a key factor in the planning of crop spraying at Court Garden Vineyard.

Howard purchased the Davis WeatherLink datalogger and software along with his Vantage Pro2 station. This is enabling Howard to store data to use as a reference for future growing seasons.