Remote Monitoring & Logging

Out team can advise you on the most effective remote field/crop monitoring solution to automatically pull data from the field – to your phone or PC 24/7, then enable you to make wise decisions based on clear reports and automated alerts.
Wireless sensor networks allow growers and researchers to remotely monitor crop and soil microclimates for irrigation & pesticide scheduling, frost/temperature alerts, plant growth, and more.

Check out the offerings below from leading manufacturers Onset, Spectrum and Davis, or simply contact our friendly team and we'll be happy to recommend the best solution for your requirements. Call 01243 558280, click on the webchat box below, or fill out our contact form.

Onset HOBOnet wireless crop monitoringOnset HOBOnet

Cost-effective standalone cellular solution

Spectrum wireless crop monitoring  Spectrum WatchDog

Battery power

Davis EnviroMonitor Davis EnviroMonitor

Low entry cost










