HOBOnet Remote Vine Monitoring System

Keen to Protect Your Vines from Frost and Reduce Pesticide Usage?

A remote monitoring system can be your “eyes and ears” on your vineyard 24/7, giving you the information you need for efficient management of resources and maximising return on investment. Monitor What Matters to You Solar/battery-powered sensors send data through either cellular, Wi-Fi, or ethernet to your dashboard on your PC/mobile device.

  • Save Water: Soil moisture sensors enable you to irrigate just when needed
  • Alerts when frost is a threat: Sent via text/email
  • Intelligent spraying: Models warn you of the risk of disease or pest emergence.
  • Weather monitoring & forecast for your micro-climate: Calculations for evapotranspiration, leaf wetness, wet bulb, dew point etc.

Eliminate the guesswork: customisable charts and alerts make sense of the data. Your Independent Specialist We represent the leading brands in the UK & Ireland and can mix-and-match to create the perfect solution for your vineyard. Find Out More